RFATS Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program is a Federally-Funded program which provides funding for transportation projects to help meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act.  This program is intended to help reduce congestion and improve air quality for areas that do not meet national standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, and other particulates in the air.  The EPA has designated the RFATS Study Area as a Maintenance Area based on the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).  Although the program is a “grant” program under Federal regulation, it is not an “up-front” grant program and funds are available only on a reimbursement basis.  The Federal government will pay for up to 80% of eligible project costs for a CMAQ project and a local match of at least 20% is required for the remaining project costs.

CMAQ funds may be used for a transportation project or program that is likely to contribute to the attainment or maintenance of a national ambient air quality standard, with a high level of effectiveness in reducing air pollution, and that is included in the metropolitan planning organization’s current transportation plan and transportation improvement program (TIP).  This can include: alternative fuel projects, traffic flow improvements, pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements, and transit investments among others.

The following entities are authorized to apply for CMAQ funding: Local Governments, Regional Transportation Authorities, Transit Agencies, Natural Resource or Public Lands Agencies, Tribal Governments, and any other local or regional governmental entity with responsibility for oversight of transportation or recreational trails (other than a metropolitan planning organization or a State agency that the State determines to be eligible).

If you have any questions regarding the RFATS CMAQ Program or a specific CMAQ project please email Chris Herrmann, RFATS Transportation Planner, @ cherrmann@rfatsmpo.org or call (803) 326-2460.

Notice of CMAQ Funds for FY 21 – 22

RFATS CMAQ Application Process

RFATS CMAQ Application

FHWA Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Information